Friday, 28 January 2011

Are you all sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

I may only have caught the tail end of the 'Jackanory' tradition, but I still love stories. I love trying to tell stories, and I love listening to good storytellers. Whilst I don't particularly love Rupert Murdoch, but he's onto a winner with this advert...

Last year I had the privilege of learning the art of storytelling from those who are particularly gifted at it, on a large and small scale; both funny and serious. My beautiful friend Kezzy, for example, can have party guests in stitches telling hilarious tales of her fabulous misfortunes; whilst my other equally beautiful friend Ali has the ability to hold the attention of 12,000 young people, imparting stories of grace, sincerity and faith. I'm not entirely sure that I've mastered either yet, but I certainly like the practice! (Although preferably without the audience of thousands...)

This year, I haven't had as much opportunity to be the storyteller, as I have to be the listener. I have begun to realise the nature of being an enchanted listener. Stories are only made great if they are made worthy by those who are hearing it. Captivating storytellers are always better if the audience is also actively captivated.

I'm currently in rehearsal for a play. It's called 'The Matchgirls', and it's set in 1888, at a time when many of the characters probably had a far more interesting story than any I've heard to date. Through it, I've grown to know and love the most interesting people. We're collectively trying to learn how to tell a story, and how to keep an audience captivated.

Interesting people have fascinating stories, and it has been such a pleasure to meet so many individuals whose stories are just that. Whether it be tales from travelling days (and that bungee jump they'd rather forget..), the saga of school crushes or poignant life reflections, I feel blessed to have been the hearer of every single one. They have provoked me to think, reflect for myself, and on the not so rare occasion caused me to pray.'But isn't that what a great story does? Makes you feel?'.

There is another great story that I know. It's about a guy who was also a pretty good storyteller himself. And thankfully, Dustin Hoffman, it's a story that has yet to find an ending. What better story could there be?

So, are you all sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin...

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