Sunday, 30 November 2008

Look and Be amazed...

I do solemnly declare that I LOVE EBAY. There is nothing that you cannot buy, and recently it has been very handy in equipping me with a wholesale order of six hundred and twenty birthday cards (which is going to last the youth ministry of Emmanuel another three years) and over a thousand latex balloons. It's also a handy place to find sumo-wrestling suits, and other strange outdoor games that my ludicrously crazy young people love.

Needless to say, in my busyness this Advent in the preparations for all that the Christmas period entails, Ebay has been the source of most of my Christmas presents. It still amazes me what people sell on Ebay. The pen lid of an ex-girlfriend. A tissue 'once used by Britney'. A poker chip won from Jennifer Tilly. Am I meant to know who Jennifer Tilly is?

"Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.'' (Habakkuk 1:5)

I am passionate about my job. I love it, even when it exhausts me. I love it when i despise it. I love the people i work with even when they hide my sandwiches and throw my shoes outside (and I refer to the behaviour of my adult colleagues, not any of my young people!!). And I love that God never ceases to amaze me.

Recently my church has joined the 'Advent Conspiracy' (go to to find out more). The main gist of it is that we encourage the church to 'take back advent' from a time filled with Christmas preparations and partying, to a time of preparation for Jesus. Having run 24/7 Prayer on several occasions; we decided to do something a bit different in the run up to Christmas Eve, and combined both Advent Conspiracy and 24/7 prayer.

Alongside the 'Prayer Space' that can of course be accessed 24/7 there are a series of scheduled Prayer events, which are guided and more structured. At some point in my obvious wisdom; i mentioned that it would be a good idea to host a 'youth breakfast', where the young people of our church could come and share food and fellowship together, and pray together before heading off to school. I must have been crazy.

But I am amazed. God moves in extraordinary ways, and one of them brings about twelve or more young people to the Prayer Room every Wednesday and Friday morning at 7am. Maybe it's the bribery of Bagels and Coffee (although considering I keep forgetting to buy any Bagels I have reason to believe that it's not). Our youth breakfasts have become a place of safety, a place of peace, a place to worship together, a place to wait on God.

A place to be amazed.

Waking up at 6am in the morning, doesn't fill me with great joy as the dulcet tones of John Humphrys sift into my consciousness (just because I'm nineteen doesn't mean the Today programme isn't relevant!). De-icing my car in the freezing cold, when it's still effectively night-time doesn't either. Realising on my way to church that I have once again forgotten to buy fresh Bagels makes me want to turn the car right back around and snuggle back into bed. I amaze myself in overcoming these significant hurdles. I am amazed when I see God at work. I am amazed when he answers prayer. Early mornings don't seem so bad after all.

"Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.'' (Habakkuk 1:5)
